Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Regional Natural Park of Vercors: territory, seven regions.

Exceptional diversity of Vercors, which distinguishes it from other pre-Alpine mountains, is illustrated in the seven natural regions which compose it: the Four Mountains in the north, in the northwest- Coulmes, in the west -Royans, center Vercors -Drome, in the east- Trièves, southeast -Diois and in the Southwest- Gervanne.

Regions in the Vercors Regional Park
  Quatre Montagnes

The Northern Plateaus of Vercors are also named the "Quatre Montagnes" that can be literally translated in "the Four mountains". The valleys lined with cliffs and rocky outcrops, this northern region of Vercors is dominated by Grenoble urban area, the valley of the Isère and Drac. It was developed with the mountain agriculture, forestry and tourism development of Climatotherapy, then later stations of Nordic and Alpine skiing.

The Coulmes

This most forested massif which devided regions of Royans and Drome by deep gorgesde la Bourne”. This is the least populated region of Vercors.

The Royans

This region extends from the area of the Isère to the plateas and penetrates the Vercors by impressive gorges. Dominated by plateaus: “Ambel” and “Font D'Urle”, partly covered by the vast forest “de Lente”. Situating on the hills, Royans has a mild and pleasant climate, conducive to walnut plantations. Three of the impressive vercors gorges are in this area: Combe Laval, the Grand Goulets and the Bourne gorge. The Choranche caves (Grottes de Choranche), with rare and impressive speleothems are also situated here.
Combe Laval
Vercors Drômois

Vercors Drôme region is also called"
The Western plateaus" is authentic area, where agricultural activities are shaped to an open and green landscapes. Together with the high plateaus, they are what was first named "Vercors", before it became the name of the whole massif.


Located in the foothills of the Vercors ,the Trièves is stuck between the cliffs of the Vercors. This isolate it from the rest of the massif and the deep valley of the Drac. Trièves is famous with one of the seven wonders of the Dauphiné – le Mont Aiquille(2086m).

The Gervanne

Small regionGervanne” which called by the name of the main river crossing, is often associated with Diois. The climate is very dry and sunny. The Gervanne is a privileged place for the observation of Mediterranean species.

Diois is a gateway to the Provence. Lavender grow here with the vine. From the passage of “Col du Rousset”, the features of Southern Diois offer already sharp contrast with the climate.

View from Col de Rousset    
Roads crossing the montains    


The High Plateaus

This natural reservation is the highest, wildest and most protected area of the park. The High Plateaus Reserve (Réserve naturelle des Hauts Plateaux du Vercors) is only accessible by feet. It is a rare landscape of almost true wilderness in the heart of Europe. The highest point of Vercors - The Grand Veymont ( 2341m) is situated here. 

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